Fairstead House Preparatory School

Safety Awareness Training

A local independent school required health and safety awareness training for not only teaching staff, but also those responsible for maintenance, catering, cleaning and playground staff. The aim of the training was to bring home a positive message about the benefits of sensible health and safety management. A tailored 3 hour training course developed and delivered by AWA was well received by the staff.

Following Health and Safety Training for Fairstead House Preparatory School we were pleased to receive the following testimonial.

"Anglia Wright provided us with Health and Safety training specific to our needs. As a school we have a wide range of staff including teachers, learning support, administration and maintenance staff and the training was well received by all. The training was relevant and thought provoking, raising awareness of safety issues thus enabling staff to take more responsibility for the welfare of others as well as themselves"

Vicky Parry, Bursar

Display Screen Equipment Assessor training
AWA has provided Display Screen Equipment Assessor training courses for a number of companies, locally and nationally, to enable companies to comply with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations and conduct in-house workstation assessments looking at an employee’s work set up with their computer. In this way, they ensure that employees are able adjust their chairs, screens and associated equipment to work ergonomically, thus reducing aches and pains which could lead to more serious long term issues and absence from work.
CHAS Registration
AWA assisted a heating and ventilation engineering company to successfully apply for CHAS registration. This involved ensuring that existing health and safety documentation was updated to reflect the company’s business activities and records were available to demonstrate the application of good health and safety practices in line with the company’s policy.
Health and Safety Strategy Design
A complete Health and Safety Management strategy was designed by AWA for a local bio-tech company which pulled together and enhanced existing documents into a single, readily accessible reference system for the company to enable employees to go to a central point on the company’s intranet to find risk assessments and safe working procedures easily and quickly.
Driving Policy
For a local laboratory measurement equipment manufacturer, AWA developed a bespoke Driving Policy for both field sales engineers and other employees who drove regularly on company business. The policy was introduced to all staff through a short training session backed up by a practical driving assessment from local defensive driving training provider: www.13-50.co.uk.

Don’t take our word for it

"We took the decision to recruit an in house health and safety person as a direct result of the audit you carried out. Your thoroughness showed us where we could improve and we took the decision that to achieve best practice in all areas we needed to invest in appropriate resource. Thank you for pointing us in the right direction"

Michael Horan, OpenArch Properties Ltd 

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