Health & Safety at your fingertips

We specialise in health and safety consultancy, offering advice and support to businesses to help them achieve compliance with health and safety legislation and promote a safe and healthy working environment for their staff.

Welcome to Anglia Wright Advice

With over 30 years' experience in health and safety over a wide variety of applications, Anglia Wright Advice offers practical solutions tailored for your business.
Anglia Wright Advice works in partnership with clients to understand their needs and develop clear policies and realistic procedures enabling them to develop their core business within a proactive health and safety culture.

Anglia Wright Advice is experienced in working with clients across a broad spectrum; from hi tech industries, manufacturing, service engineering, corporate events organisers, government organisations and office based environments.

Di Wright, Principal Consultant is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and a Registered Consultant on the Occupational Safety & Health Consultancy Register.


With over 30 years experience in health and safety, having worked in the field since 1988 (when the first CoSHH Regulations appeared!). She attained the National Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health in 1996 and has been in health and safety consultancy since 1999. Diana set up Anglia Wright Advice in 2003 and has built up a firm client base both locally and nationally.

Accidents are costly, both in terms of human suffering and waste of valuable resources. Effective health and safety management has a number of very real benefits to any organisation – whatever its size. It reduces the potential for accidents and provides a clear strategy for all; which can be integrated into all aspects of the business.

Anglia Wright Advice endeavours to make sure that health and safety recommendations recognise both the need for legal compliance and the client’s core business activities. It is therefore essential to work closely with the client to identify and design solutions tailored to compliment their business.

She has provided advice and support to a wide range of business sectors, including:
  • High tech, research and development organisations
  • Laboratory analysis equipment designers and manufacturers
  • Planned maintenance service providers
  • University departments and colleges
  • General office environments
  • Government offices
  • Construction
  • Corporate events organisers
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Glazing and insulation installers
  • Motor trade and body shop repairers
  • Horse racing industry
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Retail
  • Warehousing

Anglia Wright Advice Business Services

Anglia Wright Advice provides the following range of services:

  • Health and Safety Audits, Reviews and Inspections
  • Development of Policy and Procedures
  • Risk Assessments
  • Health and Safety Training
  • Display Screen Equipment (computer) assessments
  • Fire Safety Management
  • CoSHH Management Systems
  • Accident Investigation
  • Construction Safety Management
  • Asbestos Awareness and Management
  • Covid-19 risk management 

Anglia Wright Advice also has links with a number of associates to provide a comprehensive range of additional health and safety services. For more information please Contact Us.


Don’t take our word for it

"Di's skills are an unusual mix of focussed attention to detail and an eye for systems, but combined with a caring personality; this means that not only does she keep the human aspect of Health and Safety uppermost in her mind, but she's a pleasure to do business with! I can highly recommend Di and her personable approach in an area of business that is rather tedious (to me...but not to DI!)"

Mark Newey, Winning Minds

Recent Blogs...

By di February 14, 2022
Non-employee workers new PPE Requirements
By di May 14, 2021
Employers’ Responsibilities for Homeworkers Employers have the same health and safety responsibilities for their staff working from home as they have for their staff working in the office or away from the office premises on company business. Staff working from home still need to • have a safe environment to work in • be consulted over health and safety matters • have safe working methods (sometimes referred to as safe systems of work) and • be competent to carry out their role (usually ensured by providing sufficient information, instruction and training) Employers should consider the following: • the suitability of the home working layout and working arrangements (for example electrical safety, slip/trips and falling hazards) • the ergonomic set-up of the work equipment (interface between IT equipment, desk/work surface and chair) • the mental wellbeing of their staff working in isolation at home • loneworking without supervision Employers should take the following actions to ensure homeworking can be safely undertaken without causing harm to either the member of staff or other members of the household : • Assess the work activities to be carried out at home to evaluate whether they are suitable to be carried out in a home environment where there is no supervision or assistance should something go wrong • Assess the work environment in the home to identify and manage physical hazards which may affect the ability to work safely at home • Assess the ergonomic working arrangements – conduct a workstation risk assessment • Identify ways of keeping in touch on a regular basis to reduce the sense of isolation and to help with spotting early signs of stress eg regular team meetings • Identify any training needs (including refresher training) and means of providing this training The HSE have a number of useful tools and templates to help employers fulfill their responsibilities towards their homeworkers. Cut and paste any of the links below: Introduction to the topic: Working with Display Screen Equipment (IT Equipment) Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment Checklist: Recognising signs of stress: Protection of Loneworkers : Di Wright CMIOSH Principal Health & Safety Consultant
By di April 6, 2021
To support the UK Government Road Map out of National Lockdown 2021, free twice-weekly Covid-19 Lateral Flow Tests will made available to all persons over the age of 18 from the end of this week. Test kits will be available at key locations or by post. Copy and Paste the link below into your browser for full details:
By di October 27, 2020
So the UK Government has published their #covid 19 Response Spring 2021 Road Map for coming out of the current lockdown in England. They have given a series of dates when certain #restrictions will be lifted depending on whether the #data support doing so. But remember; just because you will be allowed to do certain things does not necessarily mean you should: it is really important that you make your own judgement on whether you can visit certain venues or take part in a particular activity without compromising your health. #staysafe everyone!
By Di Wright September 18, 2020
The infection rate appears to be rising quite significantly as we all try to get back to work, school and re-open hospitality and leisure venues. New restrictions are being introduced on an almost daily basis which makes it complicated to keep up! So here is a summary of the latest as at Friday, 18th September 2020. Washing hands is still by far the most effective way of reducing transmission risk, but we are also required to wear face coverings in enclosed spaces and to socially distance (Wash Hands, Cover Face, Make Space) We must also no longer meet with people we do not live with in groups larger than 6, inside or out (with some exceptions). For full details see link: Pubs, clubs, bars, cafes, restaurants and other leisure venues in England must now enforce the rule of 6 or face a fine of up to £4K and advise their customers that they need to wear a face covering. It is also now a legal requirement for these businesses to collect customer, visitor and staff contact details. From Thursday 24th September, these businesses will be legally required to log details of customers and visitors and display the official QR code posters ahead of the NHS Covid-19 app being rolled out nationally next week. The official written government guidance has not yet been updated to reflect the above changes but this will be accessible via the link, no doubt in the next few days: Anglia Wright Advice is able to help clients get ahead with identifying appropriate arrangements to implement social distancing and other measures to avoid transmission of the virus. Please get in touch and we will be pleased to help with a risk assessment checklist tailored for your business.

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